The safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is a Gospel imperative –a redeemed community serves the poor, weak and marginalised in love and care because of grace received from Christ. We safely serve children and young people and vulnerable adults within our communities because ‘Christ in us’ compels us to that end. We want ACUK to become an increasingly safer Church family for children, young people and vulnerable adults because the Gospel demands it of us.
All workers, whether employed or volunteers, therefore undergo mandatory Safeguarding training suitable for their role. ACUK partners with thirtyone:eight, safeguarding specialists, to provide this training.
All workers, whether paid or voluntary, who are regularly involved in working with either 'vulnerable adults' or 'children and young people' MUST receive the FOUNDATION safeguarding training for that role.
The 2.5 hour zoom training sessions are listed below (or available direct from 31:8).
The Lead Pastor/Senior Leader, Safeguarding Coordinator (and Deputy) for every church location, MUST attend safeguarding training for their role. This is an advanced course. They must have attended one of the Foundation events prior to attending the advanced one, within the last 3 years.
The 2 x 2.5 hour zoom training course dates are listed below. (or available direct from 31:8)
(If you have not completed a foundation level course within the last 3 years, you can book both events now (Foundation and advanced) but choose a foundation event that is scheduled to take place first).
All Workers MUST undertake refresher training every 3 years (i.e. repeat the same training)
ALL Lead Pastors, Safeguarding Coordinators (and deputies) MUST undertake refresher training every 2 years (i.e. repeat the same training)
Individuals who occasionally help in ministries working with either 'vulnerable adults' or 'children and young people' should undertake the ‘Gateway to Safeguarding’ e-learning course.
The 1 hour e-learning course can be completed at a time that suits the individual. This is only available direct from 31:8.