Safeguarding in ACUK
The Apostolic Church (ACUK) is committed to being a safe place for the most vulnerable in society, whether that be children, young people or adults at risk of harm.
The National Leadership and Trustees regard safeguarding as a Gospel imperative, in that it embodies the heart of Jesus to those who are vulnerable. This is true for all of our churches and activities across the UK and overseas.
All churches are required to adopt safeguarding policies; have a structure for reporting concerns; ensure safer recruitment to both staff and volunteer positions, and to ensure suitable training and supervision is carried out. A copy of our policies (which act as a minimum requirement for all of our churches) is available below.

Safeguarding concerns or questions?
If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding in any of our churches or activities, please contact the Denomination's Safeguarding Officer.
Adrian Galley (ACUK Denomination Safeguarding Officer)
07817 409635
Craig Hopkins (ACUK Lead Trustee for Safeguarding)
07814 332250