Bridge Building in Ghana

Going to Ghana with Alan Sheen and Ivan Parker.

We had intended meeting in Lagos with the Nigerian AC as the first stop, however our visa applications were not processed in time and we travelled direct to Accra, Ghana. Thankfully all went smooth at Accra, and we were welcomed so well by those waiting for us. Accra is an amazing city of 2.6+million population and 1000 Apostolic churches in the city alone. Our main aim was to spend time with the President, Apostle Aaron Nartey Ami-Narh and the National Executive, to sit together and share our hearts in collaboration for God’s mission particularly for the AC in Africa. After our valuable time together, it was deeply moving to be shown an incredible memorial to the Ghana church leaders past and present and those sent as missionaries.  A special ceremony had recently taken place to honour all the names engraved on all sides of the memorial.

In our short time we managed to squeeze in a visit to the ‘The Nehemiah Project’ which is an inspiring vision to build an 8-floor office complex in the city. It is a remarkable achievement being realised by significant sacrificial giving across the Ghana church. The project hopes to be completed by December. Next day we attended a tarry/prayer meeting in Tema at the C5 church compound. It was a joy to participate and afterwards enjoy a tour of the facility and the landmark 3 floor Children’s Church built adjacent to the main centre. It was a privilege to see the passion in the Ghana church and the many outreach programmes and ministries taking place across the nation.

 We thank God for this opportunity, and we acknowledged God’s purpose in opening the way for these fruitful discussions and renewed missional connection with Ghana. This October an event will take place in the city to recognise 75 years of the Ghana Women’s Movement.

Alan Skeen


Baptisims in Silver City Church (Aberdeen)