It is a fundamental pillar of theology that God is known because of revelation. That is, our understanding of God is based upon the fact that He has revealed Himself and the truths that He has revealed of Himself. Without His self-disclosure, we are left with only speculation. Speculation leaves us blind, feeling our way in the darkness, while revelation allows us to see.

One of the analogies used to illumine our understanding is that of Father. As Father, He does all that even the best earthly father would do, and infinitely more. Jesus taught that the Father knows the needs of His children and is more committed to their wellbeing than He is to the birds and fields, yet both are arrayed in magnificent splendour.

Need is universal and, at some point, everyone has need. It is often our needs that God uses as a means of getting our attention and turning our hearts towards Him. While needs abound, it is faith that draws God’s attention and attracts Him more than anything else. It is the heart of love and the outstretched hand of faith - whether or not there is need - that captivates the heart of God. It is the child-like cry of ‘Abba’ that invites the willing attention of a loving Father.

Leaders, like everyone else, have needs. But in the midst of the everyday cares of life, leaders must remember that their ministry, and that of the church, is not so much about meeting needs, but generating faith, and raising up a community of believers who live by faith. By faith, the weak become strong. By faith, people trust God for their own needs. By faith, people who have proved God will share their stories and make Him known to the world.

The fruit of leadership is best seen in those who follow.




Living in the Place of God's Purpose